Flatbush Medical Centre


Flatbush Medical Centre - TCM and Acupuncture Service

New Service: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture

Flatbush Medical Centre is pleased to introduce a new service offering: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Acupuncture, provided by our experienced practitioner, Ada Zhong.

About Ada Zhong:

Ada Zhong brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise in Traditional Chinese Medicine, backed by her extensive education and hands-on clinical practice. With a strong belief in the ancient philosophy that the occurrence of diseases is due to the struggle between vital qi and pathogens, Ada specializes in restoring the balance of yin-yang and improving the overall health condition of her patients.


  • Postgraduate Diploma of Health Science, University of Auckland
  • Member of The Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Professionals
  • ACC-registered health provider as an acupuncturist
  • Annual Practicing Certificate as an Acupuncturist
  • Bachelor’s Degree of Acupuncture and Tuina, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • The People’s Republic of China Qualification Certificate of Physician - Specialty in Acupuncture and Massage


Ada's specialty lies in treating musculoskeletal system diseases, including:

  • Chronic Pain (e.g., sore back, frozen shoulder, neck pain, lower back pain)
  • Acute Pain (e.g., sports injuries, skeletal injuries)
  • Post-Stroke Muscle and Function Recoveries

Treatment Methods:

Ada uses a flexible approach tailored to each individual’s needs, including:

  • Acupuncture
  • Auriculotherapy
  • Cupping
  • Guasha
  • Tuina
  • Massage

In addition to providing these treatments, Ada emphasizes the importance of lifestyle modifications. She offers valuable advice on sleep habits and proper muscle usage to prevent future injuries, aiming not only to treat existing conditions but also to promote healthier lifestyle choices.

Book Your Appointment:

Experience the benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture with Ada Zhong. To schedule an appointment, visit our website or contact us at Flatbush Medical Centre.


Flatbush Medical Centre 很高兴推出一项新服务:传统中医(TCM)与针灸,由我们经验丰富的医生Ada Zhong提供。

关于Ada Zhong:

Ada Zhong带来了丰富的传统中医知识和经验,她有着广泛的教育背景和临床实践。Ada坚信疾病的产生是由于人体邪正之气相争,导致阴阳失衡和脏腑功能失调。她专长于恢复人体阴阳平衡并改善整体健康状况。


  • 奥克兰大学健康科学专业研究生文凭
  • 新西兰Acupuncture Nz协会会员
  • ACC注册针灸师
  • 针灸师操作资格证书
  • 成都中医药大学针灸推拿学本科学历
  • 中华人民共和国医师资格证书-针灸推拿专业



  • 慢性疼痛(如腰背疼痛、冻肩、肩周炎、颈椎病、腰椎病)
  • 急性疼痛(如运动损伤、骨骼损伤)
  • 中风后遗症期的肌肉功能恢复



  • 针灸
  • 耳穴治疗
  • 拔罐
  • 刮痧
  • 推拿
  • 按摩



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