Flatbush Medical Centre

Contraception Advise

Contraception Advise

Emergency Contraception

The morning-after pill (ECP) (also called the “day after pill”) is an emergency contraceptive that can be taken after unprotected sex. It helps prevent pregnancy by permanently stopping or delaying ovulation, which means it prevents sperm from meeting the egg. The morning-after pill contains a large number of hormones and is a very effective form of emergency contraception if taken soon after unprotected intercourse.

Contraception choices

Our doctors will consult with you regarding your contraceptive needs and prescribe the appropriate method for you. There are a number of contraception methods, most of which can be provided here at medical centre:

It is important to understand that your needs will change over time depending on your age, health and lifestyle. If your situation changes, consult your doctor before adjusting your contraception.

Further information and advice can be found at: http://www.familyplanning.org.nz